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Our Year 6 pupils embark on an exciting adventure to England. Over 11 days, both educational and fun activities have been planned, including visits to Buckingham palace, Lego Land and Portsmouth bay. Towards the end of their stay pupils will also visit Wellington College where they will learn more about the history of the College and meet and greet with pupils and teachers. Throughout their stay in the UK, we will be keeping an ongoing blog so junior school classmates, parents and teachers can follow all their adventures. The final day of our trip involved a slightly later start with a hearty breakfast. We all packed up and weighed our cases to ensure they were under the weight restriction (this was a bit of an obsession for Mrs Bradley) and then tidied the room that we called home for the last 10 days. When everyone was ready we headed down to Waitrose supermarket to pick a sandwich for lunch. The pupils were quite surprised by the vast selection of sandwiched available. Everyone chomped merrily on the huge variety of sandwiches back at the hotel before the coach arrived to pick everyone up for the airport. At 12.30 we boarded the coach and made our way to Heathrow. Check in at the airport was a smooth process and soon everyone was onboard our flight to Beijing. There was great excitement as everyone was looking forward to getting home, seeing family and getting their mobile phones returned. We were lucky to have Sunday to recover from the jet lag before our return to school on Monday. Everyone was exhausted. We had enjoyed 10 amazing days, on a trip of life time that would never be repeated with the same people again. We had two wonderful coach drivers over the course of the trip, both called Steve. We were so very proud of all the wonderful compliments we received on our patience, good manners and exemplary behaviour everywhere we went. The staff although exhausted could not have asked for a better group of pupils, everyone was grateful for the patience of the staff and their hard work in running such a trip.


走进惠灵顿课堂 | 天津农业科学院研学之旅2023-11-15
大班的孩子们正在学习二十四节气。我们已经通过学习“霜降” 对秋天的最后一个节气进行了探究,这使我们得以了解每年此时农业的收获过程。“霜降”标志着天气愈发变冷,河面开始结冰。让我们跟随幼儿园大班孩子们的步伐走进农科院,探究农业的神奇与奥妙。 向左滑动查看更多照片在天津农业科学院,我们参与了“从农田到餐桌”这一过程。这一概念强调了自然生长的健康食品的重要性。我们学习了中国古诗《悯农》,其中提到 "春
落英缤纷、春意盎然中,第七届惠灵顿教育节(中国站)圆满落幕。本届教育节由惠灵顿(中国)与惠灵顿国际联合举办,约50位来自教育、心理健康、幸福关怀、科技等领域的思想领袖,与现场逾800位观众一同就“育才未来,互通世界”的主题展开探讨。 与往届活动相似,本届教育节依然因其轻松的节日氛围而独具特色。有别于传统会议,惠灵顿教育节(中国站)更是一场教育行业庆典,欢迎来自五湖四海,怀有同样教育赤忱的志同道合
惠灵顿(中国)教育融汇中英教育精粹,为广大学子提供全面而丰富的学习体验。在这篇文章中,我们试图探讨惠灵顿(中国)教育与众不同的特点,以及其深受家长及学子认可的原因。 海纳百川,文化多元 惠灵顿(中国)由惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校及惠立学校组成,来自40余个国家的学子群体,和教职员工共同组成了一个文化多元的国际化大家庭。海纳百川,博学笃志,惠灵顿(中国)坚定践行着融汇东西方先进教学方法及实践的教育理念。