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Our Year 6 pupils embark on an exciting adventure to England. Over 11 days, both educational and fun activities have been planned, including visits to Buckingham palace, Lego Land and Portsmouth bay. Towards the end of their stay pupils will also visit Wellington College where they will learn more about the history of the College and meet and greet with pupils and teachers. Throughout their stay in the UK, we will be keeping an ongoing blog so junior school classmates, parents and teachers can follow all their adventures. The final day of our trip involved a slightly later start with a hearty breakfast. We all packed up and weighed our cases to ensure they were under the weight restriction (this was a bit of an obsession for Mrs Bradley) and then tidied the room that we called home for the last 10 days. When everyone was ready we headed down to Waitrose supermarket to pick a sandwich for lunch. The pupils were quite surprised by the vast selection of sandwiched available. Everyone chomped merrily on the huge variety of sandwiches back at the hotel before the coach arrived to pick everyone up for the airport. At 12.30 we boarded the coach and made our way to Heathrow. Check in at the airport was a smooth process and soon everyone was onboard our flight to Beijing. There was great excitement as everyone was looking forward to getting home, seeing family and getting their mobile phones returned. We were lucky to have Sunday to recover from the jet lag before our return to school on Monday. Everyone was exhausted. We had enjoyed 10 amazing days, on a trip of life time that would never be repeated with the same people again. We had two wonderful coach drivers over the course of the trip, both called Steve. We were so very proud of all the wonderful compliments we received on our patience, good manners and exemplary behaviour everywhere we went. The staff although exhausted could not have asked for a better group of pupils, everyone was grateful for the patience of the staff and their hard work in running such a trip.


走进惠灵顿课堂 | 小小班的材料探索之旅
走进惠灵顿课堂 | 小小班的材料探索之旅2024-04-17
近期,小小班的孩子们开启了“材料”这一话题的学习。这一主题的学习旨在帮助孩子们认识日常生活中遇到的材料的质地、性质和用途等。 我们以作家Antoinette Portis的绘本故事《Not A Stick》为核心展开学习。这个有趣的故事能激发孩子们无限的想象力和创造力。故事中的主人公把一根简单的棍子变成无数神奇的可能性,也鼓励了我们在学习中不局限于固定的思维,将日常生活中的物品发挥不同的潜能。在
走进惠灵顿课堂 | 大班毕业研学之旅
走进惠灵顿课堂 | 大班毕业研学之旅2024-06-20
最近,天津惠灵顿幼儿园的大班学生有机会参与了为期两天一夜的毕业研学之旅。我们本次旅行的目的地是位于著名的自然保护区蓟州的“春山里”。此次旅行的目的是为了让我们的孩子有机会以有趣和互动的方式了解自然风景和人文环境。 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 孩子们在校车上一路上欢声笑语,更是在到达目的地后都表现得非常兴奋,眼神里充满着探索欲和求知欲。旅行第一天的第一项活动是烹饪,孩子们在烹饪过程中学习了
Melissa Meyers惠灵顿幼儿园园长/小学部校长在过去的一周里,教职员工们参加了很多有意义的培训,作为我们专业发展的一部分,帮助大家为新的学年做好准备。新学年伊始的员工培训对老师们来说受益匪浅,对学生取得成功也有着重要的影响。今年,我们接受了生成式人工智能、编码、口语和英语语言习得、有效学习的特点、阳光俱乐部等方面的培训,并通过团建活动增进了教师之间的相互了解。 专业培训为我们提供了有价